The Graduate Program
The Ph.D. programs in the Department provide rigorous professional training in Slavic languages, literatures, and cultures in a supportive atmosphere and interdisciplinary framework. Taking advantage of the rich opportunities for cross-disciplinary inquiry at the University of Chicago, at such venues as graduate workshops and the Franke Institute for the Humanities, many students in the Slavic Department forge innovative programs of study that cut across traditional boundaries. As the founder of Slavic Forum, a graduate student conference that has continued for over twenty years, our department has a history of promoting rigorous and original scholarship. The Department's academic program, faculty-student mentoring, training in pedagogy and support for research have consistently produced fine scholars who have succeeded in the highly competitive academic job market.
Note to Prospective Students
The Department is not currently accepting applications to the Ph.D. program. Those interested in working with our faculty in their Ph.D. studies should apply to Ph.D. programs in related fields such as Comparative Literature, Cinema and Media Studies, and Linguistics. The University of Chicago offers a Masters level study in Slavic studies through the Masters of Arts Program in Humanities. In this one-year program, students build their own curriculum with graduate-level courses in any humanities department (including Slavic Languages and Literatures) and complete a thesis with a University of Chicago faculty advisor. Check back in Autumn 2020 for further updates.